Do You Have A Pith Helmet?


Do you ever feel like you’re fighting a battle?

According to research, Autism Moms have stress similar to Combat Soldiers, and struggle with frequent fatigue and work interruptions! Read the Article here.

Validating The Stress

(Click here to read more about Parental Stress and ASD.)

Finding Behavioral Strategies

In the Disability Scoop article, they gave us the directive to find behavioral management strategies. This is a lot more more difficult than it sounds.

As a mom, I often tried new approaches to change my child’s behavior, but it felt like he could wiggle out of change or sometimes just flat out refuse. When that happened, no amount of pleading, demanding or threatening to punish would make a difference. the parenting strategies we need are different when our kids are on the autism spectrum and it’s very difficult to find a place where you can learn them. That’s why the National Autism Academy was developed. (Click here to learn more about out Training for Parents.)

Don’t Forget Self Care

Our lives are so demanding that often we run out of time and the tasks that bumped off our lists are our own needs, sometimes as simple as eating and taking a shower. For anyone with the stress of a combat soldier, occasional breaks and taking care of ourself is critically important, because otherwise we can’t show up to do the job our kids with ASD need us to do. Self care is not a Hallmark greeting card moment, it is real, practical, and healthy support that makes it possible for our family to continue to survive. (Click here to read 7 Emotional Secrets Segment 1 – “I feel exhausted, burned out, and hopeless…”)

Thank you for taking time to understand more, but knowing isn’t enough! Let us help you take the next simple step toward implementing your knowledge for your relief or the relief of others.

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