by Jeanne Beard | Oct 29, 2021 | National Autism Academy Blog
Do individuals with ASD mature more slowly than their peers without ASD? Typically, yes, it is common for individuals with ASD to develop more slowly compared to their non-ASD counterparts, often reaching milestones such as potty training, driving, and having a...
by Jeanne Beard | Oct 28, 2021 | National Autism Academy Blog
What is the best autism therapy for creating independence in a child with ASD? A therapy that provides frameworks, education and support to both the individual and the family. The sad truth about ASD is that either the individual is moving forward in life, facing the...
by Jeanne Beard | Oct 9, 2021 | National Autism Academy Blog
Are there any shortcuts or secrets to doing autism therapy? Absolutely! Gain comprehensive knowledge of autism therapy developed over 25 years of clinical practice. Autism is on the rise, dramatically! Educated therapists are needed now more than ever. Families...
by Jeanne Beard | Sep 9, 2021 | National Autism Academy Blog
Is there a connection between anger and autism? Yes. absolutely. One of the most pronounced emotional characteristics of many people with autism is their anger. Anger often develops due to constant frustration, disappointment and the inability to control the world. In...
by Jeanne Beard | Sep 8, 2021 | National Autism Academy Blog
Why Do Small Things Upset People on the Autism Spectrum with Such Regularity? Because one incident at some earlier point in time created a black and white rule in their mind. When living with, working with, or just relating to an individual on the autism spectrum, it...