Autism Spectrum Disorder: What Therapists Need to Know


Are there any shortcuts or secrets to doing autism therapy?

Absolutely! Gain comprehensive knowledge of autism therapy developed over 25 years of clinical practice.

Autism is on the rise, dramatically! Educated therapists are needed now more than ever. Families struggle to find experienced therapists.

Let’s Get Educated

Some research indicates that by the year 2030, 50% of all children being born will be on the autism spectrum.

Let’s bypass the how and why questions regarding that statistic, and focus on what we need to do in response.

Let’s also look at what we need to know in the therapeutic community to support those who are struggling with life as a result of having autism.

It is often said that:

“…if you meet one person with autism, you have met one person with autism….”

Every individual with autism is as unique as every individual without autism.

Common and Predictable Threads

However, there are some common and even predictable threads that are prevalent in individuals with Autism:

  • clear patterns of thinking
  • ways of approaching the world
  • world views

A therapist armed with that information can understand and treat an individual on the spectrum far more successfully than a therapist who is not able to use the knowledge as a key to deciphering issues. (Click here to learn more about our Therapists Training.)

Knowing those patterns, approaches and views changes the game when dealing with someone on the spectrum.

Individuals with ASD often cannot verbalize or even recognize the difficulties they face.

Anger and frustration frequently build up and may appear to be the primary issue, when in reality, it is a by product of all the functional and emotional difficulties and disappointments.

“Learning these patterns [of one on the spectrum], common world views and autistic approaches to life is not rocket science.”

Learning these patterns, common world views and autistic approaches to life is not rocket science. It is however, impossible to do on your own in a short period of time.

To clearly learn to identify these patterns by yourself, it would take years of single-minded dedication, experience and trial and error.

The Need for Qualified Professionals

That is the reason that the National Autism Academy has developed a body of knowledge to support those who want to ramp up their success at autism treatment quickly.

There are far too few good diagnosticians and quality therapeutic resources available!

A therapist who is not trained may have some support for the symptoms an individual on the spectrum is experiencing, such as anger, anxiety, or lack of motivation, but without the ability to uncover and recognize the true pathology of autism, any treatment is like a band aid on a broken leg. It simply is not addressing the real issue.

Individuals with ASD and their families are hurting. (Click here to read about Why I Needed a Therapist.)

They need qualified, committed professionals to guide them, instruct them and support them with the schools, the community, and their extended families. And the numbers are growing every day. (Click here to read more about The Impact of Autism on the Family.)

Thank you for taking time to understand more, but knowing isn’t enough! Let us help you take the next simple step toward implementing your knowledge for your relief or the relief of others.

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