20 Ways to Create Connection with your
Autistic Grandchild and Support their Parents
This program will provide general insight and support for grandparents, who can contribute in so many ways to the success of their child and grandchild.
What you Receive with This Course:
- “20 Ways” Grandparent Program Guide packed with education about the drivers behind
autistic behavior, common behavior patterns, basic intervention information - 6 Modules of Concentrated Training to support you in your understanding of autism, ability to
discern the autism, and ability to respond appropriately. - Strategies for Working More Effectively with Your Grandchild on the Spectrum
- Planning for the Future Videos
- “10 Powerful Mindsights that Support Your Family”
Here is what you will learn…
Module 1: A Powerful Mindset For Success
In this module, you will learn the outlook that will support your grandchild and his or her parents
This will help you create deeper connection and reduce the friction in your family. You will learn answers to questions such as:
- Is the autism real?
- Whose fault is this?
- The power of our expectations and beliefs?
- What can I say that will be helpful?
Module 2: The Autistic Brain and How Neurology Influences Behavior
In this module, you will learn the basics of autistic brain neurology and how that impacts the behavior of the child with autism. This will help you understand your grandchild by answering these questions:
- Why does he/she do that?
- Why can’t he/she calm down?
- How do I get through to him/her?
- Why doesn’t my autistic grandchild respond to me like my other grandchildren?”
Module 3: Common Characteristic Patterns
In this module, you will learn the common thinking patterns of Individuals with autism, why they are motivated differently, how to motivate a child on the spectrum, and the difference between “can’t” and “won’t.”
This will help you understand your grandchild by answering these questions:
- Why is he/she always so extreme?
- Why doesn’t he respect me like my other grandchildren?
- Why do his parents always “bribe” him to do things?
- Is he/she just a “bad kid?”
Module 4: Successful Communication Strategies
In this module, you will create an understanding of why communication is difficult for your grandchild, which will foster greater compassion and understanding. You will learn 17 tips to communicate more effectively with your grandchild.
This will help you understand your grandchild by answering these questions:
- Is he just not listening to me?
- What is the communication strategy for eliciting the best results?
- Why does it take so much time for him/her to respond?
- Why doesn’t he have manners?
Module 5: How to Support the Child’s Parents
In this module, you will gain increased sensitivity to your child’s challenges as a parent, learn practical strategies for providing emotional, physical and financial support, and learn what other grandparents are feeling and doing.
This will help you understand your child by answering these questions:
- What are other grandparents doing to support their sons/daughters parenting a child with ASD?
- What is the right kind of support for my child?
- Why does the grieving never end?
- How can I help?
Are You…
- A parent, grandparent, caregiver or teacher of a child on the autism spectrum?
- Wanting to do everything possible to make a positive contribution to this child you care about?
- Experiencing feelings of doubt, fear, worry, and overwhelm as you work to have a positive impact on this child’s life today and in the future?
- Feeling exhausted from working so hard and feeling like you are falling short in your role?